Friday, 29 May 2020

What's in the News This Week?

This is a coronavirus robot dog that enforces social distancing in Singapore park.
The robot dog patrols one of Singapore's parks as part of coronavirus-related trial.
The robot dog is made by US based Boston Dynamics and has a camera to monitor how busy Bishan Ang Moh Kio Park becomes.
It also carries a loudspeaker to broadcast social distancing messages.

I think we should get some in NZ.
Boston Dynamics robot dog Spot encourages social distancing ...

Tuesday, 26 May 2020

Monday, 18 May 2020

Mystery topic

Today in my class we had to work in teams to solve the mstery of our theme for this week.  We had to make some puzzles to get picture clues, unscramble some words that were given to us and then we did a word find. After we done the word find we got given all these maths questions to do.  When we solved each question we got a letter.  At the end the letters spelled out our topic. Our topic that we are going to do is... ancient Egypt.